EC-847 QUART - Structural Adhesive Category: Structural Adhesives Manufacturer: 3M

NSN Part Numbers: 8040-00-390-7959, 8040003907959, 8040-00-664-2015, 8040006642015

3M™ Nitrile High Performance Rubber & Gasket Adhesive 847 (8040-00-390-7959, 8040003907959; 8040-00-664-2015, 8040006642015) provides strong flexible bonds and meets the requirements of Mil-C-4003. It has a quick dry time, excellent resistance to many fuels and oils, and may be heat cured to obtain improved physical properties.

Product image may vary from actual product

EC-847 QUART Data:

Documents: SDS TDS
Color: Dark Brown Cure Temp: 200° F / 93° C Sold in: Quart Category: Structural Adhesives Shipped with: IATA